Samsung Galaxy S6 , Note 4 and Future Devices Will Be Flexible Displays

Diposting oleh Unknown | 22.16

Samsung Galaxy S6 info : at Samsung we're equally excited about the possibility mobilizing
mobilizing the possibilities all display technologies
when it comes to displays all ads delivered
altman screen experience with more vivid colors much deeper blacks
any other displays they're super then and lightly
because all its produce their own life they don't require
heavy power consuming back white and now
thanks to Samsung technology a complex more as well
are so confident about market potential
fuck small ads were creating entire new lineup them
under the ume brand you
doesn't just bend the rules display technologies it completely rewrite
take a look at this flexible all at prototype
our team was able to make a high-resolution display on extremely
thin plastic
so instead of class so it won't break
even if it's dropped and we can actually then the screen the
match in the products you could design with this
it really is about something else here today
have a look at this minute %um prototype device
you see how the screen curves be on
you on the edge in the display around here
with this mended display
we have expanded campus available for content contact now
home on the sides the device Sol for example
if I receive an important message I'm
I can see you come through all the devices plan on the table in front I'm
this new form factor really begin to change help people
interact with your devices and opening up new
lifestyle possible and it's only going to get better
that's kinda display technology is going to a lower partners to create a whole
ecosystem devices devices with ended for mobile
controllable screens that's very exciting prize
now but to take a look at hardest new
despite future might play all
jock fuck
it was on your card she left
she did hello
technology thanks
world I need to go
Wow amazing thank you
holidays work Samsung I
of them
okay she joined hop like
of a for
and about business cards
I by never leave
all me
not so long ago
is a shape-shifting display all the rich but naw
there's that is no longer the case Brian
thanks for your time today thank you.
Samsung Galaxy S6 , Note 4 And Future Devices Will Be Flexible Displays

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Title : Samsung Galaxy S6 , Note 4 and Future Devices Will Be Flexible Displays
Description : Samsung Galaxy S6 info : at Samsung we're equally excited about the possibility mobilizing mobilizing the possibilities all display tech...
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